Orde Day Care and Orde Satellite offers programs for children ages birth to twelve years. Our programs focus on age-appropriate play and learning opportunities. All children are involved in our educational and fun activities including music, art, storytelling and recreation.
Orde Satellite
Infants—birth to 18 months
The infant playroom is set up with different areas of interest: quiet area (books and puzzles), block area (big and small blocks with a variety of textures), gross motor (riding toys, push and pull toys), manipulative toys (shape sorters, rattles) and sensory experiences (water, play dough). Toys that are set out each day are disinfected throughout the day. The teacher ratio in the infant room is 1: 2-3
Toddlers—18 months to 30 months
The toddler space is designed to maximize the learning capacity of the child. Our goals are to provide the children with a rich and interesting environment that they can explore with all their senses. A variety of activities are set up each day that fosters the toddler’s development. The teacher ratio in the toddler room is 1:5.
PreSchool— 36 months to age 5
The preschool program provides an opportunity for the children to develop positive social skills and further explore their understanding of their environment. Their autonomy is fostered by ensuring flexibility and choice in activities. The ratio for preschoolers is 1:8.
Orde Day Care
Preschool/Kindergarten— age 3 to 5
This program is designed to compliment the kindergarten program the children receive at school. They are given the opportunity to participate in various activities in an environment that is especially equipped and designed to meet their needs. The children are encouraged to explore their creativity and interests in large or small groups or independently. The ratio for 3 yr olds is 1:8, 4 yr olds is 1:10 and 5 yr olds is 1:12.
School Age— age 6 to age 9
Our school-age program provides a space for children to be with their friends in a safe and stimulating environment. Activities are planned to develop skills and support learning. Lots of choice and variety is provided. The ratio is 1:15.
Ten Plus age 10 to age 12
Our Ten Plus Program is specifically designed for the 10 to 12 yr old. We provide a rich environment with a variety of activities and experiences for the older child. We help to prepare them to negotiate independently in the world. The ratio is 1:15.