Organizational structure
The organizational structure of the daycare is that of a non-profit charitable corporation owned collectively by its members and run by an elected board of parents. The employees of Orde Day Care report directly to the Coordinator and to the Site Supervisors. The Supervisors report to the Coordinator. The Coordinator reports to and is responsible to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is responsible to the Ministry of Community, Family and Children Services (MCFCS) for the licensing of the centre under the Day Nurseries Act, the City of Toronto’s Children’s Services for the purchase of the service subsidy agreement, to the Toronto District School Board for its premises, and to the various ministries, Acts, etc, that govern the corporation. The Board of Directors is also responsible to the parents in the centre.
Decision making
The day-to-day organization and administration of the centre is the responsibility of the staff of the day care under the direction and supervision of the Assistant Supervisors, Site Supervisors and the Coordinator. The Board of Directors of Orde Day Care Centre Inc. manages the overall administration of all programs of the day care.
The Board of Directors consists of no less than six elected individuals. The day care Coordinator and Site Supervisors attend the meetings as non-voting members. All positions are voluntary, and elections are held at the centre’s Annual General Meeting. An Annual General Meeting is held in the spring. All families are invited. Nominations of new officers are accepted at this time. Regular Boards of Directors meetings take place every 4-6 weeks. Notices of meetings are posted one week prior to the meeting date and agenda items may be submitted at that time to the Coordinator or Board secretary. If a family wishes to make written submissions, they may be left at the daycare office. Meetings are open to anyone wishing to attend, however, only the members of the Board may take part in a formal vote. Items of a sensitive nature will be discussed in private.