Update on operations for Monday, November 7, 2022

November 6th, 2022 by Anna Gionet No comments »

Dear Families and Staff of Orde Day Care;

Our Board of Directors met this evening.

It was decided that we will continue to offer care to children enrolled in our infant, toddler and preschool programs at both sites until further notice.

We will also continue to operate at reduced hours from 8:00 a.m – 4:30 p.m.

We have been informed by the Ministry of Education that we are not allowed to offer care to children enrolled in kindergarten or school age programs during the school closure. Children enrolled in these programs will not be charged fees on days they were unable to access care.

Thank you for your continued understanding and support


update on operations for Orde Day Care for Monday, November 7, 2022- posted November 4 2022

November 4th, 2022 by Anna Gionet No comments »

Dear Families and Staff of Orde Day Care;

We want to inform you that should the strike continue into Monday; we will no longer be able to provide full day or before and after care to the FDK and School age groups as the Ministry of Education has informed us that these children will be engaged in online learning.

Should the strike end over the weekend, we will be back to normal operations and hours for Monday.

Our Board of Directors will meet on Sunday to discuss the continued operation of our infant, toddler and preschool programs.
The Board of Directors will decide to close these programs if the health and safety of the children and staff become compromised or if we have been directed by our governing bodies to close these programs.

The regular cleaning and maintenance of our program rooms will not be maintained during the strike. To support our unionized staff, we have directed them not to engage in any work of the striking CUPE members. Outside cleaning contracts are strictly prohibited. As a result, our environments will deteriorate the longer the strike continues.

We will provide an update on Sunday, so please check your email and our website for updates.

Thank you for your understanding and support

Child Care operations for November 4. 2022

November 3rd, 2022 by Anna Gionet No comments »

Dear Families and Staff of Orde Daycare;

As you may all be aware, a potential strike of the CUPE Education workers is set to begin on November 4. 2022. CUPE education workers include custodial staff whom the daycare relies on to keep our environments clean and open and close our schools, among many other responsibilities.

The Orde Board of Directors met last night to discuss if our centres (Orde and Satellite) will remain open on Friday. After much debate, it was decided that we will be open and offer childcare for all age groups at both sites from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. PD day rates will apply for school-age children.

As no caretaking staff is on-site, the principals or designates will open and close the schools to allow our childcare to operate. Therefore, we ask that families not arrive before 8:00 a.m. for drop off on Friday morning and arrive for pick up before 4:30 p.m. Friday afternoon. Late fee charges will apply.

We would also like to make you aware that the cleanliness of these environments will begin to diminish, as we do not expect our staff to take on the responsibilities of the striking workers.

As the strike action is constantly evolving, we are still determining if we will be able to operate should the strike last past Friday or if events unfold quickly from today to Friday morning, which may lead us to reverse our decision to stay open.

Thank you for your understanding
Anna Gionet
Executive Director

The Board of Directors will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates to the families and staff should we have to adapt our operations.
Please ensure that you check your emails from families@ordedaycare.org[mailto:families@ordedaycare.org] or our website @ ordedaycare.org before you come to daycare on Friday, and be sure to check them over the weekend.

We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.

Anna Gionet, RECE

AGM 2022

October 14th, 2022 by solfdez No comments »

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